What is Structural Audit?

The health of any structure is similar to that of human health, with a certain life span, undergoing wear and tear regularly. The building blocks such as Concrete, Steel, Bricks, Mortar, Sand, Aggregates, etc. are combined in designed proportions to erect a safe and sound structure. With age of structure, concrete corrodes, steel rusts, plaster & paint wears off and problems such as structural cracks, leakages, deflections, jamming of doors/windows, etc. become apparent.

To diagnose the present condition of the structure, a Structural audit is performed by a qualified and licensed engineer. It consists of internal and external visual inspection of structure, performing Non- Destructive tests (NDTs) on the structure, and providing a detailed report of findings. Tests include-

  • Rebound Hammer Test,
  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity &
  • Core test- To determine strength of concrete,
  • Carbonation test,
  • Half-Cell Potential to determine extent of corrosion of concrete,
  • Deflection check, etc.

As per MCGM norms, every structure in Mumbai should be audited every 5 years and a structure older than 30 years should be audited every 3 years. We are MCGM licensed engineers and have audited 500+ structures in and around Mumbai. We take pride in providing structural audit services with the right kind of expertise, technology and qualified team of engineers.